Soul Wisdom…

The voice of the soul is gentle and clear.  The soul speaks to us through our heart when we are open enough to listen and when we are not clouded from the chaos and events of the day.  It is so easy to get caught up in life’s drama and the words and actions of others, which ultimately distracts us from our own purpose and passion. 

The soul does have a voice, it does have an energy, it does have a vibration and it does have a purpose.  When we are young, we often listen to the voice of our parents.  In school, we are taught to listen to the voices of our teachers, coaches and other adults.  We are taught to take their view over our own.  As adolescents, we begin to listen to the voice of our friends, which always brings an interesting flavor.  And as we mature and grow, becoming adults, hopefully we learn to listen to our own voice, that still, small voice that knows what makes our heart sing, that knows the path ahead in order to make our unique contribution to the world, that knows the other souls we are longing to meet again – that voice.  That voice does not always speak logic.  But rather, the voice of the soul is the voice of love, which transcends logic. 

Allowing the space for our soul to speak is simply all we need to do.  But as simple as that is, we make it so hard sometimes.  We get caught up in worldly affairs, the drama of our families and friends, and frustrations at work.  We put other people’s needs before our own and don’t create the time and the space to listen to our hearts speaking to us.  Ultimately, we don’t make it a priority.  Yet, when we stop for a minute and take a deep breath, we can feel the difference immediately – in that moment, we come home to our soul.  We breathe in the life force that guides us, which enables us to tune into the quiet, the stillness, the peace that lives in our heart and says…this is who you truly are.

When we get caught up in events outside of our being, we feel the disconnect, the discomfort and the angst.  We get frustrated easily and blame others for our uneasiness.  And if we stay disconnected long enough, we can get sick.  That uneasiness, frustration or even illness, is just trying to get our attention to let us know we have been disconnected.  It is a signal from our soul calling us home to our heart.  Reminding us that we have better things to do.

The idea of being disconnected and having lost touch with the passion and purpose of our soul can feel overwhelming and frustrating.  But, the overwhelm and the frustration are simply indicators that there is too much reliance on the intellect.  Our brain is a rather handy tool, but only operates like a computer and only works with the information already in storage.  Some of us have such beautiful brains that compute at high speeds and produce wonderful calculations that it becomes even more challenging to loosen our grip.  We are well trained to use our brains.  But often we are not guided to listen to our heart so we can hear the wisdom of our soul. These are some ways that we can loosen our grip on our intellect and create an opening for our soul to speak…

  1. Breathe Deeply with Intent
    1. Taking a deep breath to clear your mind and bring your energy into your heart, can not only bring the body into a more relaxed state, but it can create enough space to provide some clarity and allow some wisdom to surface.
    1. When you breathe deeply with the INTENT to clear your mind and release the tension in your body, you experience different results compared to a quick breath that does not go deep into the lungs.  The more you practice breathing deeply, the more beneficial it will become.
  2. Meditation
    1. Meditating regularly retrains the body to enter a state of calm, release the stresses of the day, and be in the present moment. 
    1. Today many people are challenged with anxiety and our bodies remain in that stressful state unless we retrain them to let go and be present.  People are often rewarded for how quickly they can accomplish tasks or juggle events and activities, but the body will eventually tire of this game.  Meditating gives us the space to reconnect with our soul, providing clarity for the path ahead.
    1. Quietly meditating on your own can be challenging at times – guided meditations can be useful as you learn to disconnect from the chatter of your mind.
  3. Walk in Nature
    1. Going outside for a walk in nature can help to clear your mind and cleanse your soul.  The fresh air can serve in ways that indoor, re-circulated air cannot.  Walking in nature with your feet on the earth can be grounding and replenishing for your soul. 
  4. In Your Dreams
    1. Messages from your heart can come through more easily when you are more open and at ease – so they often come through in your dreams while you sleep.
    1. Before falling asleep is a great time to ask the universe for guidance on a topic and to provide some clarity in your dreams.  It is amazing how often you wake with more clarity.
  5. Writing
    1. Writing can provide some people with answers if you are able to shift away from using your left-brain.  After writing a question on the top of the page, use your non-dominant hand and see what comes forward…it may surprise you.

Creating opportunities to be more in tune with our heart and soul is the path to living with more passion and purpose.  We have so much to offer the world when we are connected with our heart that we are able to understand and share our unique gifts.  It is that connection that inspires others and graces the world.